Instructional Coaching | Differentiation | Teaching with Empathy | Standards-Based Grading

Differentiation | Instructional Coaching | Teaching with Empathy
Founder and President
Lisa Westman is an author, speaker, and consultant who regularly works with school systems internationally to provide professional learning on student-driven differentiation, empathy as the foundation of our instructional practices, standards-based learning, and implementing instructional coaching programs. Before becoming a consultant, Lisa taught 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade (gifted humanities, English language arts, social studies) and was an instructional coach specializing in differentiation in Skokie, IL.
Her publications include Student-Driven Differentiation: 8 Steps to Harmonize Learning in the Classroom (Corwin Press, 2018), Teaching with Empathy: How to Transform Your Practice by Understanding Your Learners (ASCD, 2021), and frequent contributions to Education Update (ASCD), Education Week, Education Week Teacher, and Edutopia.
Lisa is married to an educator, is the parent of a seventh-grader, a tenth-grader, a 9-year old Pomeranian Rat Terrier, and a 2-year-old Border Collie. She enjoys the Bar Method, loves music, and the City of Chicago!

I work with clients, providing exceptional consulting services that are catered specifically to their needs. Take a look below at the services I offer and get in touch to achieve immediate results.